cor. Sikatuna & Mons. F. Reyes St., Albay District, 4500, Legazpi City, Philippines  
SOCIAL ACTION CENTER (SAC) is a church-based, non-stock, non-profit organization operating at the Diocese of Legazpi, Province of Albay, Philippines. Established in 1972 as an offshoot of the Second Vatican Council's call for church greater involvement in social issues and concerns. It is the social action arm of the Diocese of Legazpi.

SAC is an institution for social services. It coordinates, supervises and implements social action programs aimed at improving the conditions of the poor. It addresses the social, cultural, economic and political needs of the people in the diocese.

Its thrust is to serve the poor, the deprived and the oppressed, especially women and children in the province of Albay, Philippines.

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